Shop authentic brand new and preowned Hermes, Chanel Bags, Louis Vuitton Bags, Prada Bags, Gucci Bags, Celine Bags, Fendi, Saint Laurent, Givenchy and many more at good deal prices- all at up to 70% off the brand-new retail price.
Trusted since 2009 and with a wide network of clientele, our Consignment Service guarantees fast, reliable and secured turnover of your Designer Bags, shoes, and accessories. No frills. No promises. Just pure, honest and dependable shopping experience and service that delivers.
One of the most trusted in the business of luxury for almost 10 years.
Proven fast turn over of items
Secured, guaranteed, and on time payment for your items.
Every item undergoes an extremely thorough check & authentication process.
A wide range of organic and growing client base and followers.
From marketing & advertising to selling and shipping of your items, we got you covered.